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    About us

    Welcome to the largest Indian Classical YouTube Channel conceptualised and managed by the Digital Wing of Giri exclusively for Indian Classical Dancers. Like many of its unique endeavours as a cultural ambassador, this is a one of a kind attempt in YouTube to bring together the community of dancers on a single digital platform. The channel will host your dance videos completely free of cost. In turn it would also facilitate content ID for every video you upload thereby ensuring you are the sole owner of your video.

    Why TIDE?
    1. You get to avail unique content ID for every video and enjoy digital promotion free of cost via
    2. You are seen along with other names in the industry
    3. Linking your own channel in the video you upload will also help you to generate traffic in your own channel
    4. Viewers who have not known you before would find you in the channel
    5. Boost your SEO

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